
There are so many times when I feel things as a Mom that I wonder "Does anyone else feel this way?" This leads me to googling different aspects of motherhood, usually things like "angry mommy, cranky mommy, etc." It's sometimes hard to find things written by other mothers that mirror my emotions, so I thought, hey, what the heck, I'd start a blog. Maybe it'll only help me as I vent, or maybe at least one other person will read it and go "yeah, that's me!" and we can walk on, each of us refreshed, knowing that we're not alone in this.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Not-so-joyful Noises

Note to Self: When baby is learning to "cry it out", installing a door on his room is imperative. Otherwise, beloved baby's cries sound like fingernails on a chalkboard...especially when the rest of the family (including Mommy) is trying to sleep.

After convincing myself that baby really was fine and would eventually stop crying, I miraculously dozed off into slumber, only to hear 4-year-old sneaking the markers out of the craft drawer. I raised my hand and snapped as loudly as I could and did some angry pointing back towards her room, and it must have worked, because yet again, Mommy somehow went back to dozing.

These are the things, I've noticed, that make for a cranky mommy. Earlier today, 4-year-old and 2-year-old beloved daughters were loudly singing some kind of "bang banga bang" song at the dinner table, and I found my head starting to pound along with their incessant chanting. My tone of voice got a little shorter, and my instructions quite snippy. I was able to step away from the situation mentally and convinced myself that I wasn't a beast for feeling this way. I pictured some of the adults I know, random adults that don't have children, and I pictured them sitting at this table with me, and clearly, they were as annoyed as I was. Yes...it is annoying to the adult ear to hear loud repetition of otoematpias (or however you spell that word). This would get on even the kindest person's nerves, I'm sure of it. BUT...I told myself...NAPTIME is sweet respite from noise, so if you, Mommy, can just endure a little bit longer, peace will come.

But did I mention beloved baby's screaming? Sigh!

1 comment:

Stephen Gray said...

Erin, you know you got that loud snapping and angry finger pointing right from Dad, don't you. I can see you BOTH doing that!