
There are so many times when I feel things as a Mom that I wonder "Does anyone else feel this way?" This leads me to googling different aspects of motherhood, usually things like "angry mommy, cranky mommy, etc." It's sometimes hard to find things written by other mothers that mirror my emotions, so I thought, hey, what the heck, I'd start a blog. Maybe it'll only help me as I vent, or maybe at least one other person will read it and go "yeah, that's me!" and we can walk on, each of us refreshed, knowing that we're not alone in this.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Yep - I'm Back!

So it's been way too long since I've done this, and I'm feeling the effects of it in a major way. I've had quite a few changes since my last post (almost a year ago!), and they are:
1) Maddy & Judah are now attending this great, small public school (2nd grade and Kindergarten)
2) I'm pregnant again - 14 weeks along, presently

SO! That's it. Oh, and I've also been working "part-time" from home managing about 20 properties, which has its fair share of stress.

So the homeschooling thing is no more, at least for this season in life. I'm open to it - I believe in it. I just don't think I'm personally capable of handling it, at least not at this stage of life. Maybe when my babies get a little older? I just can't handle everyone needing me at once and all the distractions when I'm trying to teach the oldest two. Ahhhh! Yes, it was very stressful. I'm thankful that things have changed for now!

There's plenty more to post, but my three-year-old is screaming for me from the bathroom...meaning I "get" to go wipe her poopy bottom...yay! So here's me signing off for now until Mommy duties wane for the evening.